Report Template      Back to Previous


The Report Template defines the attributes and metrics that are included in the output dataset and the layout when viewing the results of the report. You may include any number of attributes and metrics on a report. The attributes are used to determine the breakpoints for the metric calculations.

There are two types of reports and each has a slightly different template requirement as follows:

·        Grid report template layout

·        Graph report template layout

Grid Report Template      Back to Previous

The Grid template view provides you with the design layout for a grid report. As noted above, the template determines the data elements to be included in the output dataset as well as their placement on the grid.

Attributes may be placed independently as row headers, column headers and/or the Page By. Metrics must be placed in the same location on the grid, either all as row headers, column headers or Page By. The most commonly placement of metrics on the grid are as columns with attributes used as Page By and row elements to determine the pages for your output and the breakpoints within the pages for metric calculations.

The following is the grid template layout:


Page By Panel

This panel allows you to specify the attributes you wish to use to create pages of output in your dataset. The output is still one dataset, but the display in the grid is paged by the attribute values.

In this example, there is only one attribute (Data Period) that allows you to view the output dataset as individual data periods.

Design View



Row Headers

The attributes placed as row headers will provide one row per combination of attribute reporting band values. The metrics will be calculated for each intersection of attribute reporting band values.

In this example, there are two attributes (State and CLTV in 20% reporting bands). Since the State attribute is first in the list, there will be one row for each state and CLTV 20% reporting band (the CLTV 20% attribute provides reporting bands in 20 percentage point increments after the initial CLTV under 80%; 0 to 80%, 80%+ to 1000%, 100%+ to 120%, 120%+ to 140%, CTLV > 140%).



Column Headers

Metrics are grouped together as one heading level for reporting purposes; each metric is an individual column on that same level.

If applicable, when you mix attributes and metrics in the columns,  the attributes placed a column headers will provide one column per reporting band per metric outlined below.

Output View



You will see one column header on the grid layout with the column "detail" listed to its right. The column header "master" represents the name of the attribute or the generic "Metrics" header and the list of metrics that have been included in the report.

In the detailed grid design display:

For attributes, the name of attribute is repeated in the detail column. When you view actual output, each reporting band for the attribute is presented.

For metrics, the individual metric names are displayed.

In  this example, the Conforming Flag includes three values on the report for Conforming, Non-Conforming and Jumbo Conforming; the Active Loan Count metric will be calculated for each of these reporting bands.


Graph Report Template      Back to Previous

The Graph template view provides you with the design layout for a graph report. As noted above, the template determines the data elements to be included in the output dataset as well as their placement on the graph. Additionally, you also define the type of graph format (e.g., horizontal bar, vertical line, scatter, 3-D, etc).

The example below for the graph template uses the report layout as defined above for the grid example. Formatting for a graph differs greatly from formatting for a grid, you may find you must move data elements into different areas on the template to obtain a desirable graph layout. On a graph, the Categories correspond to the Rows on a grid and the Series (or plot lines) correspond to the columns on a grid.

Based on the special nature of the graph layout, the following are some recommendations when designing a graph report layout:

·        If displaying more than one metric on the graph at the same time, keep in mind the type of metric and the scale of the values (e.g., balance vs. count, large values vs. small values). If you have disparate numeric formats and/or values for the plotted series on the same graph, your view of the output may not be optimal.

·        Consider placing the metrics on the Page By and view each metric as an individual page from your output dataset. You must still consider the disparity in the numeric values (e.g., loan balances in California will be typically higher than in other states).

·        Keep the number of attributes in the series and/or categories creating the metric breakpoints to a small number, too many attributes may lead to a cluttered graph.

The following is the grid template layout:

Note:    As noted above, the example below is simply the Graph design view of the grid report detailed above. This may not be the best use case of a graph layout, but it does demonstrate all facets of the graph template.


Page By Panel

This panel allows you to specify the attributes you wish to use to create pages of output in your dataset. The output is still one dataset, but the display in the grid is paged by the attribute values.

In this example, there is only one attribute (Data Period) that allows you to view the output dataset as individual data periods.


Design View



Categories (correspond to Rows in Grid Layout)

Categories represent the axis at the bottom of the graph, correspond to the rows of a grid  and are usually defined with attributes. The attributes placed as categories will provide one plot point for the combination of attribute reporting band values. The metrics will be calculated for each intersection of attribute reporting band values.

In this example, there is one attribute (State) and each plot point will represent an individual state for each metric on the graph.

It is best to limit the number of attributes used in the categories to assist with the ease of reading the graphed data.


Series (Correspond to Columns in Grid Layout)

Series represent the plotted values on the graph, correspond to the columns of a grid and are usually metrics. Each metric is an individual plotted value on the graph and the value is calculated based on the reporting bands of the Categories.

If you include attributes in the Series setup, each plot line represents a combination of attribute reporting value and metric. The attribute reporting value will be determined by the attribute setup and the report filters used to generate the output dataset.

The data type, scale and range of values for each of the metrics (e.g., count vs. dollar metrics as well as  high and low values) should be considered when determining  which metrics are  to be included on the report and how to present them.


When more than one metric is included in the series setup, each metric is listed below the master "Metrics" series designator and will each have their own plot line on the graph.

As noted above, when an attribute is added to the Series setup, each of the metrics are combined with the reporting bands of the attribute(s) to generate a plotted series on the graph. In order to minimize the plotted series lines on a graph, it is not recommended that you combine attributes and metrics on a graph.




Graph Type

A representation of the  type of graph you have selected is displayed in the graph body while viewing it in Design Mode  (in this example the graph type is a vertical bar graph).